A glimpse into our work
We’ve worked with organisations across the social impact sector to build capacity and bring about change.
Climate Change: Water
In collaboration with a leading corporate foundation, Arthan Foundation is working on improving government engagement in the water sector. The work entails building the capacity of water grassroots organisations, bringing together strategic stakeholders to build dialogue and co-create sustainable solutions and a water fellowship.
Gender: Women’s Leadership in the Development Sector
In collaboration with The Rockefeller Foundation, Arthan Foundation authored a report on ‘Women’s Leadership in the Development Sector’, to explore the challenges women face at work, how men can be their allies, and what organisations can do better to be more gender responsive and inclusive. The report included individual case studies of 50+ women leaders in the development sector, a survey completed by 100+ development sector professionals coupled with secondary data and insights from male leaders. The report received 50,000+ views.
Building Civil Society Organisations of the Future
In the midst of the pandemic in 2020, Arthan Foundation launched ‘Building Civil Society Organisations of the Future’ (BCSO) which saw the involvement of 6000+ participants and 300+ speakers from organisations including The Rockefeller Foundation, Centre for Policy Research, Ford Foundation, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, Boston Consulting Group, SEWA Bharat, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EdelGive Foundation, Mann Deshi Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Tata Trusts, Dasra, Pratham, Grameen Foundation, Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives, UNICEF India, Ashoka and IKEA Foundation amongst others. Through BCSO, we sought to address ecosystem challenges and opportunities in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, progress towards which had been pushed back as a result of the pandemic. The initiative worked to co-create solutions, co-evolve out of the pandemic, and define the future of civil society organisations in India. We brought together experts, practitioners, and thought leaders across themes including but not limited to gender, climate change, strategy, governance and capacity building.
Capacity building of NGOs
Arthan Foundation has worked with many organisations in the social impact sector to provide organisational development support and help them build capacity when it comes to human resources.
We worked with an action-oriented research organisation in the non-profit space to help them better their human resource policies with respect to mid-term evaluations, salary benchmarking, key performance indicators (KPI) setting, as well as conducting capacity building training. The process for each activity was designed collaboratively and implemented for a team of 100+ employees which helped them operate efficiently with their new frameworks.
Arthan Foundation has helped a large grassroots organization with 400 employees to better structure their organisation internally as well as benchmarked their salaries against industry standards, to help improve customer satisfaction as well as retention. The activity involved one-on-one consultations with the leadership team as well as other employees and significantly reduced the managerial burden for the CEO.